About Your PTA

Who We Are

Manor PTA is 100% volunteer-run by parents, teachers and faculty. We serve the entire school and provide funding for a long list of items (see “What We Provide”) along with zillions of volunteer hours. We put our hearts and muscle into building a strong school and community to support our teachers and our kids.

What We Do

The PTA helps bridge the state funding gap and provides support to Manor Elementary school students and staff. Specifically, the PTA provides funding for: events, disaster supplies, student clubs, classroom supplies, teacher trainings, PE & playground equipment, library books, site maintenance and improvements, field trip scholarships, the school garden, Safe Routes to School, and technology throughout the campus. (For a fuller list of projects we support, see “What We Provide.”)

Our History

As a member of the California and National PTAs, Manor Elementary PTA is part of the largest child advocacy organization in the world. Our local PTA formed our PTA in 1953 but PTA as a movement began in 1897 and has had a powerful influence on our nation ever since. By banding parent groups together under one umbrella of PTA, we can provide the power of millions of voices to benefit all children. Through advocacy, as well as family and community education, the National PTA has established programs and called for legislation that improves our children’s lives, such as:

  • Creation of Kindergarten classes
  • Child labor laws
  • Public health service
  • Hot and healthy lunch programs
  • Juvenile justice system
  • Mandatory immunization
  • Arts in Education
  • Alcohol and Smoking Addiction Education
  • School Safety
  • and much more.

The California PTA is likewise responsible for important changes in the lives of children. The California PTA has been instrumental in producing legislation regarding:

  • Firearm Safety and Awareness
  • Playground Equipment Safety Standards
  • Safe Routes to School for All Children
  • LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness in Health Education California.

As a member of PTA, your influence expands well beyond our own school to benefit children across the state and nation.